Brexit – UK-EU trade agreement takes effect

The UK-EU trade agreement, which contains new rules for living, working and trading together, took effect from 23:00 GMT on 31 December 2020.

Resume: trade and tariffs

There will be no tariffs on goods (taxes) or limits on the amount that can be traded (quotas) between the UK and the EU from 1 January 2021. Some new checks will be introduced at borders, such as safety checks and customs’ declarations.

Having a deal in place means that the fear that some goods could become more expensive has been avoided.  However, businesses will still need to prepare for new procedures at ports, and if new paperwork is incomplete, it could lead to difficulties.

Government information and the most recent updates on the international treaty can be accessed here.

Read more on importing goods from the EU.

Read more on exporting goods to the EU.